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Don's Rail Photos
Central Oregon & Pacific RR
The Central Oregon and Pacific Railroad operates the Siskiyou Line from Springfield Jct. (Eugene), Oregon to Black Butte,California and the Coos Bay Line from Eugene to Coquille, Oregon. Both of these lines are former Southern Pacific branches which were sold off at the end of 1994. (Until the opening of the Natron Cutoff in 1926, the Siskiyou Line was part of the SP main between San Francisco and Portland.) CORP began life on January 1, 1995 when the"GoTeam" from then-parent company Railtex arrived and took over operation of the Siskiyou and Coos Bay lines from the Southern Pacific. Overnight the tunnel motors were gone from the haulers, relaced by GP-38's and GP-40's. The SD-9's hung around for a bit, but soon those were also gone as more four axle power arrived in Oregon. Larry Tuttle has an excellent web site.
1335, GP40, was built by Electro-Motive in April 1966, #31875, FN 7901-7, as Norfolk & Western 1335. It was sold to Railtex in 1995 as CO&P 1335 and then transferred in January 1999 to Dallas Garland & NorthEastern as 4016.
1338, GP40, was built by Electro-Motive in April 1966, #31878, FN 7901-10, as N&W 1338. It was sold to Railtex in 1995 as CORP 1338 and then transferred to DNGO as 4017 in January 1999. It was sold to Bro-Tex International Metals in October 2011.
1342, GP40, was built by Electro-Motive in April 1966, #31882, FN 7901-14, as N&W 1342. It was sold to Railtex in 1995 as CORP 1342 and then transferred as GSWR 1342. It was renumbered 4027 in 1999 and transferred as Alabama & Gulf Coast 4027 in 2004. It was sold to Bro-Tex International Metals in October 2011.
1345, GP40, was built by Electro-Motive in April 1966, #31885, FN 7901-17, as N&W 1345. It was sold to Railtex in 1995 as CORP 1345 and then transferred to DNGO as 4018 in January 1999.
1348, GP40, was built by Electro-Motive in April 1966, #31888, FN 7901-20, as N&W 1348. It was sold to Railtex in 1998 as CORP 1348 and then transferred as Goderich-Exeter RR 4019 in 1999. It was retired in 2012 and rebuilt for Railpower by Juniata in January 2013, #RP178-001, as DNGO 142, RP20BD.
2005, GP20D, was built by Boise Locomotive--Electro-Motive in April 2001, #996104-5, FN 996104-5, as CIT Finanial CEFX 2005. It was leased as Central Oregon & Pacific 2005.
3075, GP40u, was built by Electro-Motive in February 1969, #34823, FN 7158-1, as Baltimore & Ohio 3700, Class GP-40. It was leased as 9700 between February 1981 and April 1981. It was returned to General American Transportation Co on May 17, 1984, as 3700. It was rebuilt by Livingston Rebuild Center as BN 3075, Class GP-40G, on June 1, 1989. It was retired on February 28, 1992, as GATX 3075. It was leased to Missouri & Northern Arkansas as 3075 in May 1993 and then to DGNO as 3075 in September 1993. It was transferred as CORP 3075 in December 1994 and as New England Central as 3075 in March 1996. It was renumbered 4030 in 1998.
3077, GP40u, was built by Electro-Motive in February 1969,
#34836, FN 7158-14, as B&O 3713, Class GP-40. It was retired and became GATX 3713 on May 17, 1984. It was rebuilt at Livington Rebuild Center as
Burlington Northern 3077, Class GP-40G, on May 13,
1988, and returned as GATX 3077 on February 28, 1992. It was leased as
M&NA 3077 in December 1992 and transferred as DGNO 3077
in September 1993. It was transferred as CORP 3077 in August 1995 and
transferred and renumbered as Godrich-Exeter RR 4022
in November 1998. It was transferred as Cape Breton & Central Nova Scotia
4022 in June 1999
3802, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in September 1969, #35272, FN 5744-15, as Cincinnati New Orleans & Texas Pacific (Southern Ry) 2742, a GP38. It was sold to Locomotive Leasing Partners as 2742 and then was rebuilt at VMV in 1998 as CORP 3802. It has never served on CORP as of this writing. It is currently on Dallas Garland & NorthEastern.
3805, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motie in October 1967, #33342, FN 7060-25, as Baltimore & Ohio 3824, Class GP-38. It was later 2024 and then became CSX Transportation 2024, Class GP-38. It was retired on January 21, 1997, and sold to Locomotive Leasing Partners on April 19, 1997. It was shipped to VMV on May 2, 1997 and rebuilt as GP38-2 as Indiana & Ohio 3805 in October 1997. It was transferred as CORP 3805 and sold to CIT Financial Group as CEFX 3805 in 2011.
3806, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in September 1971, #38503, FN 7340-49, as Baltimore & Ohio 4023, Class GP-40. It was renumbered 6598 and becane CSX Transportation 6598, Class GP-40. It was retired on December 18, 1996, and sold to LLP as 6598 on February 21, 1997. It was rebuilt byVMV on November 1997 as GP38-3 on Cape Breton and Central Nova Scotia as 3806. It was changed to I&O as 3806 on to CORP 3806 on 1999. It was then changed as DGNO as 3806.
3810, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in October 1969, #35253, FN 7189-8, as Southern Ry 2723, a GP38. It was sold as LLPX 2004 in 1998. It was rebuilt at VMV in 1998, GP38-3, as CORP 3810.
3811, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in October 1969, #35256, FN 7189-11, as Southern 2726, a GP38. It was sold as LLPX 2005 in 1998. It was rebuilt at VMV in 1998, GP38-3, as CORP 3811 and sold to CIT Financial Corp as CEFX 3811 in 2011.
3815, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in November 1966, #32665, FN 7946-6, as Maine Central RR 256, Class DRS-4, a GP38. It was sold as Helm Leasing Corp 256 and renumbered 3614. It was sold as Missouri & Northern Arkansas RR 5556 and transferred as Salt Lake Southern RR 5556. It was renumbered and transferred as Arizona Eastern Ry 3815 and transferred as CORP 3815. It was transferred as Kiamichi RR 3815. It was sold to Bro-Tex International Metals in October 2011.
3816, GP38, was built by Electro-Motive in October 1969, #35414, FN 7191-111, as Penn Central 7785, Class EF-20. It became Consolidated Railroad Corp 7785, Class GP-38, in April 1976 and became Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 2033, Class EF-20. It became Conrail Leasing Co 336. It was sold as Central Oregon & Pacific 5533 and renumbered 3816.
3818, GP38-2, was built by Electro-Motive in December 1973, #73632-1, FN 73632-1, as Colorado & Wyoming 2001. It was sold to CORP 5001 and renumbered 3818.
3819, GP38-2, was built by Electro-Motive in December 1973, #73632-2. as C&W 2002. It was sold as CORP 5002 and renumbered 3819.
3820, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in October 1967, #33357. FN 7060-40, as B&O 3839, Class GP-38. It was later 2039 and then became CSX 2039, Class GP-38. It was retired in November 25, 1992, and sold as Conrail Leasing 304 in 1994. It was rebuilt at Juniata in December 1994 and sold to CORP as 5039 on December 9, 1994. It was renumbered as 3820 in 1998 and transferred as San Diego & Imperial Valley RR 3820. It was sold as Lascasiana SA de CV as LASX 3820.
3821, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in November 1967, #33359, FN 7060-42, as B&O 3841, Class GP-38. It was later 2041 and then came CSX 2041, Class GP-38. It was retired on March 30, 1992, and was sold for Housatonic RR on August 11, 1992. It was sold on September 8, 1992, on Conrail and became Conrail Leasing Co as 305 on 1994. It then came to CORP as 5041 on April 5, 1995, and was renumbered 3821 on August 1998. It was transferred as Salt Lake City Southern RR 3821 on August 1999 and then Goodrich-Exeter RR 3821 on December 1999.
3822, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in November 1967, #33360, FN 7060-43, as B&O 3842, Class GP-38. It was later 2042 and then came CSX 2042, Class GP-38. It was retired on March 3, 1993, and was sold on June 10, 1993, to Conrail Leasing Co as 306. It was rebuilt at Juniata on December 6, 1994, and then came to CORP as 5042 in December 1994 and was renumbered 3822 in 1998.
3824, GP38AC, was built by Electro-Motive in November 1967, #33365, FN 7060-48, as B&O 3847, Class GP-38. It was renumbered 2047 in 1986 and became CSX 2047, Class GP-38, in 1987. It was sold to Phoenix Locomotive Leasing and planned as Consolidated Railroad Corp 7601 but became Conrail Leasing 300 in 1994. It was rebuilt in December 1994 as CORP 5047 on December6, 1994, and renumbered 3824 in 1998. It was transferred as San Joaquin Valley 3824 in November 2013.
3828, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in April 1967, #33065, FN 5724-4, as Clinchfield RR 2003. It later became Seaboard System RR 6270 and renumbered 2183. It then became CSX 2183, Class GP-38. It later was rebuilt as CORP as 5183 and then renumbered 3828 in 1998.
3829, GP38, was built by Electro-Motive in August 1969, #35388, FN 7191-85, as Penn Central 7759, Class EF-20. It became Conrail 7759, Class GP-38, in April 1976 and sold as Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 2028, Class EF-20. It was sold to Conrail Leasing Co and planned as CRL 335 but sold as CORP 5528. It was renumbered 3829 and transferred as SJVR 3829. It was rebuilt at Juniata by Railpower in March 2013, #RP178-003, as Dallas Garland & NorthEastern 144, RP20BD.
3838, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in May 1971, #35977, FN 7234-4, as Louisville & Nashville 4023, Class GP-38. It became Seaboard 4023 and later renumbered 6244. It was renumbered 2153 and became CSX 2153, Class GP-38. It was rebuilt as CORP 5153 and then renumbered 3838 in 1998.
3864, GP38-3, was built by Electro-Motive in March 1966, #31677, FN 7876-12, as Chicago Milwaukee St Paul & Pacific 191, Class 30E-RS, a GP40. It was renumbered 2000 in 1968 and was assigned Soo Line RR 4604 in 1985. It becamee Soo 2000 amd was retired in March 1989, It was sold as General Motors Leasing 194 in April 1989 and became Locomotive Leasing Partners 2501 and sold as CORP 3864. It was sold to CIT Financial as CEFX 3864 in November 2011.
4000, GP40, was built by Electro-Motive in September 1967, #33272, FN 7054-23, as Norfolk & Western 1381. It was sold to Railtex and rebuilt as CORP 4000 in December 1997.
4001, GP40, was built by Electro-Motive in September 1967, #33275, FN 5733-1, as N&W 1384. It was sold to Railtex and rebuilt as CORP 4001 in December 1997. It was transferred as New England Central RR 4001 in May 2012 and renumbered 3809 in February 2013.
4021, GP40, was built by Electro-Motive in February 1969,
#34827, FN 7158-5, as Baltimore & Ohio 3704, Class GP-40. It was renumbered 9704 in
March 1984 and returned as 3704 in March 1984. It was returned as
American Transportation Co 3704 on May 17, 1984 and rebuilt by Livingston
Rebuild Center as Burlington Northern 3076, Class GP-40G, on May 26, 1989. It
was retired on February 28, 1992, and returned to GATX on June 4, 1992. It
was leased as Missouri & Northern Arkansas 3076 in May 1993 and assigned as
Indiana Southern RR
3076 in June 1993. It was returned to GATX in August 1994 and leased as
CORP 3076 in 1995. It was renumbered 4021 in August
1998 and transferred as M&NA 4021 in February 2002.
4022, GP40, was built by Electro-Motive in April 1969, #34862, FN 7158-40, as B&O 3739, Class GP-40. It was wrecked in 1976 and restored. It was leased as 9739 on August 13, 1979, until January 1980. It was returned as GATX 3739 on May 17, 1984, and rebuilt by Livingston Rebuild Center as BN 3084, Class GP40G, in April 1989. It was retired on February 28, 1992, and returned to GATX on June 1, 1992. It was leased to MN&A as 3084 in December 1992 and transferred as Salt Lake City Southern 3084 in 1995. It was transferred as CORP 3084 and renumbered 4024 in 1998.
4165, RP-E4, was built by Electro-Motive in June 1959, #24865, FN 5587-5, as N&W 856, a GP9. It was rebuilt at Roanoke in October 1982 as 9710 and then sold to CORP as 4165 in January 1998. It was transferred as New England Central 809 in February 2013.
4166, RP-E4, was built by Electro-Motive in August 1961, #26803, FN 5622-24, as N&W 962, a GP18. It was rebuilt at Roanoke in October 1982 as 9711 and then sold to CORP as 4166 in January 1998.
Roster information: Kevin Burkholder
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echnology Co.
Memorial of Saint Arnulf of Soissons
Choose Life.
Mom did.
To put into practice the teachings of our holy faith, it is not enough to convince ourselves that they are true; we must love them. Love united to faith makes us practise our religion.