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Don's Rail Photos
Under Construction
Ontario Short Lines and Industrial Railroads
Abitibi-Price Co.
There is a page on this international paper company.
Algoma Steel Co.
51, SW900, was built by General Motors in June 1974, #A2060.
H. Broer Equipment Sales & Service, Inc.
9359, SW1200, was built by Electro-Motive in November 1957, #34137, FN 4414-6, as Pennsylvania RR 7905, Class ES-12. It was renumbered 9055 in 1966 amd became Penn Central 9055,Class ES-12, in 1968. It became Consolidated Railroad Corp 9359, Class SW-1200, in April 1976 and sold as HBIX 9359.
Buckwheat & Durham RR
1, HLB 25 Ton, was built by Plymouth in April 1936, #3835, as Pioneer & Fayette RR 10. It was formerly 102 and rebuilt in 1970. It was sold to Colasanti's Tropical Garden in December 1993 and lettered as B&D 1. It became W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd 1 in January 1996.
Canada Starch Operating Co.
77 was built by CLC-Westinghouse in December 1929, #1861, as Canadian National 7700, Class Q-1-a. It was renumbered 77 in 1950 and later reclassified LS-4a. It was rebuilt in 1953 and then sold to Casco as 77 in 1962.
9, SW8, was built by General Motors in February 1951, #A192, as Canadian National 8512, Class Q-7-a. It was reclassified Class GS-10b in September 1954 and renumbered 7162, Class DS-8a, in June 1956. It was sold to Andrew A Merrilles as 9 in 1987 and sold as Canada Starch Operating Co 9 in September 1988.
Combustion Engineering Co.
No number, BCL-TC 16 Ton, was built by Brookville Locomotive in January 1973, #5000. as Caloric Corp, no number. It was sold as Combustion Engineering Co, no number, in 1983.
Courtlands, Ltd.
7096, S4, was built by Montreal in September 1949, #76939, as Canadian Pacific 7096, Class DS-10j. It was retired in December 1982 and sold to Andrew Merrilees Ltd as IREX 7096 in February 1984. It was sold as CLtd 7096 in 1984 and retired in 1994. It was sold for scrap in Pennsylvania.
Dominion Foundries & Steel Co.
Dofasco Inc.
Arcelor Mittel Dofasco
410, SW8, was built by Electro-Motive in December 1953, #19071, FN 4250-1, as Aliquippa & Southern Ry 800 SW8. It was transferred as Cuyahoga Valley RR 800 and sold as International Steel Group 800. It was renumbered 298 and sold to Doug Fink. It was sold to Rail Trust Equipment as RTEX 410 and sold to Dominion Foundries & Steel Co as Dofasco 410 in January 2004. It became Arcelor Mittel Dofasco 410 in November 2007 and rebuilt as 1GS7B, by National Railway Equipment in May 2014, #202-410.
426, NW2, was built by Electro-Motive in November 1946, #4108, Canadian National 7937, Class Q-5-a. It became Class GS-10a in September 1954 and sold to Dofasco as 26 in May 1979. It was renumbered 426 and sold to Cyprus Amax Minerals Co as CLMX 108.
427, SW8, was built by General Motors in November 1951, #A296, as Canada Gulf & Terminal Ry 102. It was sold as Dofasco 27 in November 1980 and renumbered 427. It was rebuilt as a slug.
Essex Terminal Ry
101, S1, was built by Alco in December 1941, #69824, as Canadian Car & Munitions Co 5. It was sold to ET as 101 in 1946 and later was sold to Don Hearn & Son as 200. It later was sold to LaSalle Packaging Co as 200..
102, GP9, was built by General Motors in August 1963 as Algoma Central 172. It was sold to ET as 102 in 1986.
103, S3, was built by Montreal in June 1952, #77282. It was sold to DH&S as 300 and later to LSPCo as 300.
104, SW8, was built by General Motors in February 1954, #A611, FN C179-1. It was sold to Cargill Corp to Bloomingburg, OH. as BBOH 104 in 1999.
106, C420, was built by Alco in June 1963, #84721, as Lehigh & Hudson River 22. It was sold to ET as 106 in January 1973 and later to Arkansas & Missouri as 50 in 1986.
E. F. & G. E. Fauquier
4 was built by Pittsburgh in January 1896, #1592, as Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 82. It was renumbered 9153, Class F-102, in 1907 and sold to Atlantic Equipment Co It was sold as Fauquier 4. It was sold to Maritime Coal Ry & Power Co as Maritime Ry 5 in May 1920. It was donated to Canadian Railway Historical Society in November 1961.
Goodrich-Exeter RR
Don Hearn & Son
200, S1, was built by Alco in December 1941, #69824, as Canadian Car & Munitions Co 5. It was sold to Essex Terminal Ry as 101 in 1946 and later was sold to DH&S as 200. It later was sold to LaSalle Packaging Co as 200.
300, S3, was built by Montreal in June 1952, #77282, as ETRy 103. It was sold to DH&S as 300 and later to LSPCo as 300.
Huntsville & Lake of Bays Ry.
Pinafore Park Ry.
Huntsville & Lake of Bays Ry Society
2 was built by Montreal Locomotive in October 1926, #67167, as Canadian Gypsum Co 7. It was sold as Huntsville & Lake of Bays Ry 2 in 1937 and sold as Pinafore Park RR 2 in February 1963. It was sold to Huntsville & Lake of Bays Ry Society in June 1985.
Indusmin Ltd.
11, 44 Ton, was built by General Electric in September 1942, #15124, as Minneapolis & St Louis D-842. It was renumbered 11 in March 1956 and rebuilt by General Electric in February 1957 as Canadian National 6, Class ER-4-c. It was sold as IL 6 on April 14, 1970, and sold as A A Merrilees AMLX6 in 1974.
Lake Ontario Steel Co.
2, 70 Ton, was built by General Electric in August 1950, #30453, as Okmulgee Northern RR 7. It was merged as St Louis-San Francisco 12 in 1964 and sold to Andrew Merrilees Co in September 1965. It was then sold to LOSCo as 2 in December 1968.
51, 43 Ton, was built by General Electric in July 1939, #12496. as Wabash RR 51, Class D-3. It was sold as Andrew Merriles Ltd 51 in 1961 and leased as LOSCo 51 in January 1965. It was returned to Merriles in April 1967 and sold as Atlas Stainless Steel no number in April 1967.
LaSalle Packaging Co.
200, S1, was built by Alco in December 1941, #69824, as Canadian Car & Munitions Co 5. It was sold to Essex Terminal RR as 101 in 1946 and later was sold to Don Hearn & Son as 200. It later was sold to LSPCO as 200..
300, S3, was built by Montreal in June 1952, #77282, as ETRy 103. It was sold to DH&S as 300 and later to LSPCo as 300.
Maple Leaf Mills
35, 45 Ton, was built by General Electric.
Mattawa-Temiskaming Excursion Co
2582, Class MR-20d, was built by Bombardier in 1981, #M6115-03, as Canadian National 2582, Class MR-20s. It was renumbered 3582 in 1986 and retired on February 13, 1998. It was sold as Rail Link-Ottawa Valley 3582 on February 20, 1998, and leased as MTECo 3582 in 1998. It was sold as St Thomas & Eastern RR 3582 in 2003.
Ontario L'Original RR
Ontario Paper Co.
2, 45 Ton, was built by General Electric in September 1947, #29051. It was rebuilt as Quebec North Shore Paper Co 2 in 1950 and ballasted as 50 Tons.
Ontario Southland Ry.
51, NW2, was built by Electro-Motive in December 1947, #5703,FN E998-1, as Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo 51. It was sold as OSRy 51 in September 1993.
378, GP7, was built by Electro-Motive in March 1951, #14008, FN 5079-2, as Minneapolis St Paul & Sault Ste Marie 378. It became Soo Line RR 378 in 1962 and sold as OSRy 378 in September 1999.
507, RS23, was built by Montreal in August 1960, #83290, as Sydney & Louisburg 201. It became Devco Ry 201 in September 1967 and sold as Spruce Falls Power & Paper Co 109 in April 1984. It was taken over as Tembec Co 109 in 1997 and sold as OSRy 507 in 2008.
1244, SW1200RS, was built by General Motors in July 1960, #A1897, FN C275-5, as Canadian Pacific 8151, Class DRS-12c. It was rebuilt in November 1982 as 1244, Class DRS-12, and sold as OSRy 1244.
Page Hersey Pipe Co.
Stelpipe Inc.
No #, 45 Ton, was built by General Electric in September 1947, #29055. It was sold to Trillium Ry and sold to Port Stanley Terminal RR in November 2017.
S. G. Paikin
1134, G8, was built in by General Motors in June 1954, #A613, as Canadian National 7672, Class GR-9a. It was renumbered 1572 in 1954 and renumbered 1102 in 1956. It was renumbered as 852 in 1957. It was rebuilt in 1957 and sold as Columbia Cellulose Co 1134. It was sold as S G Paikin 85 and sold as Cargill Inc 1134 in 1981.
Port Colborne Harbor Ry.
3575, M420W, was built by Montreal in June 1977, #M6092-16, as Canadian National 2575, Class MR-20c. It was renumbered 3582 in 1986 and retired on March 18, 1996, It was leased as Hudson Bay Ry 3575 in 1996 and sold as St Thomas & Eastern 3575 in 1998. It was transferred as PCHR 3575 in 1999 and sold as Kelowna Pacific Ry 3575 in 2000. It was sold as Lake States RR 3575 in 2004 and scrapped.
6101. C425, was built by Alco in February 1965, #3403-02, as Pennsylvania RR 2423, Class AF-25. It became Penn Central 2423, Class AF-25, in 1968 and Consolidated Railroad Corp 2423, Class C-425, in April 1976. It was renumbered 5062 in 1979 and rebuilt as Morrison-Knudsen Corp 6101. It was sold as New York & Lake Erie 6101 and sold as PCHR 6101. It was sold as Delaware-Lackawanna RR 2423.
Port Stanley Terminal Rail
62 was built by National Steel Car Co in 1914, as Toronto Hamilton & Buffalo 62. It was sold as PSTR 62.
Rail Link - Ottawa Valley
Saint Thomas & Eastern RR
3575, M420W, was built by Montreal in June 1977, #M6092-16, as Canadian National 2575, Class MR-20c. It was renumbered 3582 in 1986 and retired on March 18, 1996, It was leased as Hudson Bay Ry 3575 in 1996 and sold as ST&E 3575 in 1998k It was transferred as Port Colborne Harbor Ry 3575 in 1999 and sold as Kelowna Pacific Ry 3575 in 2000. It was sold as Lake States RR 3575 in 2004 and scrapped.
3582, M420W, was built by Bombardier in 1981, #M6115-03. as CN 2582, Class MR-20d. It was renumbered 3582 in 1986 and retired on February 13, 1998. It was sold as Rail Link-Ottawa Valley 3582 on February 20, 1998, and leased as Mattawa-Temiskaming Excursion Co 3582 in 1998. It was sold as ST&E 3582 in 2003.
Steel Co. Of Canada
Stelco, Inc.
Tembec Co.
Spruce Falls Power & Paper Co.
201, RS23, was built by Montreal in August 1960, #83290, as Sydney & Louisburg 201. It became Devco Ry 201 in September 1967 and sold as Spruce Falls Power & Paper Co 109 in April 1984. It was taken over as Tembec Co 109 in 1997 and sold as Ontario Southland Ry 507 in 2008.
W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd.
1, HLB 25 Ton, was built by Plymouth in April 1936, #3835, as Pioneer & Fayette RR 10. It was formerly 102 and rebuilt in 1970. It was sold to Colasanti's Tropical Garden in December 1993 and lettered as Buckwheat & Durham RR 1. It became WGT 1 in January 1996.
Thousand Islands Ry.
44, Class X-9-a, was built by Grand Trunk in February 1892, #1251, as Grand Trunk 41, Class K1. It was renumbered 273 in 1898 and renumbered 208 in 1904. It was renumbered 1533 in 1910 and transferred as TI 44 in December 1927. It was scrapped in 1931.
500, Class LS-3-a, was built by Oshawa Ry in 1927. It was retired in 1965 and donated to the Ganonoque city.
York-Durham Heritage Ry.
7801, RS3, was built by Alco in March 1952, #79665, as Delaware & Hudson 4068, Class DERS-60. It was reclassified as Class RS-15 in 1959. It was sold as Lamoille Valley Ry 7801 and sold as New Hampshire Central RR 7801. It was sold as YDHR 7801 and sold as Delaware-Lackawanna RR 4068.
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Mom did.
Prayer is the best armor we have, it is the key which opens the Heart if God.
---St. Padre Pio