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Don's Rail Photos
Wyoming Short Lines and Industrial Railroads
Bighorn Divide & Wyoming RR
1001, Class SW1500, was built by Electro-Motive in December 1968, #34496, FN 7139-21, as Southern Ry 2320. It became Norfolk Southern 2320, Class SW1500, and sold as BDW 1001.
2001, GP38-2, was built by Electro-Motive, June, 1977, #766065-2, FN 766065-2, as Illinois
Terminal RR 2002. It became
& Western 4161 in November, 1981.
In May 1992, it went to the
RR as 4161. It became
Central Kansas Ry 382 on April 3, 2000.
2008, SW1200. was built by Electro-Motive in October 1965, #30744, FN 4484-11, as Chicago Rock Island & Pacific 93o, an SW1200, It was sold as Republic Locomotive Co and rebuilt as 120, as RL1200 and sold to Vulcan Materials. It was sold BRS Leasing Co as BRLX 1202 and sold as BDW 2008 and scrapped in 20062009, SW1500, was built by Electro-Motive in May 1972, #4609-46, FN 4609-46, as Southern Pacific 2636, Class ES415-4. It was sold to Helm and sold as Bonneville Transloaders Inc 1. It was sold as BDW 2009.
2017, SD20, was built by Electro-Motive in September 1965, #30709, FN 7828-4, as Baltimore & Ohio 7440, Class SD-35. It was rebuilt at Paducah in December 1982 as ICG 2040 and sold to National Railway Equipment Coas as NREX 2040. It was leased as Utah Ry 2040 and returned as NREX 2040. It was sent as Orange Port Terminal Ry 2040 and sold as BDW2017.
Bonneville Transloaders, Inc.
1, SW1500, was built by Electro-Motive in May 1972, #4609-46, FN 4609-46, as Southern Pacific 2636, Class ES415-4. It was sold to Helm and sold as BT 1. It was sold as Bighorn Divide & Wyoming RR 2009.
Casper Iron & Metal Co.
Laramie Valley Cement Co.
Monolith Portland Cement Co.
Mountain Cement Co.
2, 70 Ton, was built by General Electric in December 1948, #30025, as Fibreboard Corp 2. It was sold as LVC 2 in 1968 and became MPC 2.
8170, GP9u, was built by Electro-Motive in January 1956, #20808, FN 5409-53, as Illinois Central 9170. It was rebuilt at Paducah in February 1971 as 8170. It later became Chicago Central & Pacific 8170 and was renumbered 1770. In March 1999 it was sold to Hollis & Eastern as 8170 and sold as MCTZ 8170 in September 2011.
Pacific Power & Light Co.
Glenrock Coal Co.
10, SW1200, was built by Electro-Motive in December 1964, #30021, FN 4476-1. It was sold as Herzog Contracting Co 10 inJune 2003.
11, GP38AC, was built by Electro-Motive in December 1971, #37891, FN 5785-1. It was renumbered 511 and became GCCo 511. It was sold as Arizona Public Service Co 5.
Lithcote Co.
1, 80 Ton, was built by General Electric in July 1949, #30006, as American Smelting & Refining Co 1. It was sold as Kennecott Copper Co 1 in 1959. It was sold as Lithcote Co 1 and became Union Tank Car Co 1302.
8568, 45Ton, was built by General Electric in October 1944, #27706, ex United States Army 8568. It was sold as WRC 8568 and became Lithcote Co 8568. It became UTCX 8568 and renumbered 1301.
Wyoming Railway
The Wyoming Ry. was incorporated in 1909 and built 28.6 miles of track between Buffalo and Clearmont, Wyo., where it connected with the Burlington. In 1932 they had 3 locomotives, 3 passenger cars, and 11 freight cars. They also had 30 employes. The main office was at Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
101 was built by Baldwin in 1898, #15531, as Rio Grande Western RR 203, Class 26S. It became Denver & Rio Grande 943, Class 26S, in 1908 and sold as Wyo 101 in January 1917.
WebWork by rinity
echnology Co.
Feast of the Holy Name of Mary
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Our Lady of Lipa
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Mom did.
Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.
— St. Francis de Sales