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Under Construction
Edmonton Radial Railway Society
1 was built by Ottawa Car Co in 1908 as Edmonton Radial Ry 1. It was retired in 1946 and preserved by Edmondton Transportation in 1946. It went to ERRS in 1979
200 was built by Ottawa Car Co in 1907, as Saskatoon Municipal Ry 200.. It was retired in 1951 and acquired by Western Development Museum. It was sent to Edmonton Radial Ry Society in 1986.
2001 was built by Alco-General Electric in June 1912, #51069, 3808,as Oregon Electric Ry. 21. It became British Columbia Electric Ry 961 in July 1946. It was sold to Edmonton Transit as 2001 in 1980 and donated to ERS in 1996 and sold to Fraser Valley Heritage Ry Society in 2012. It was sold to Oregon Electric Ry Museum in 2015 and is restoring as OERy 21.
WebWork by Trinity Technology Co.
Memorial of Saint Eloque
Choose Life.
Mom did.
Don's Depot
Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.
---St. Francis de Sales