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Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe
Stations and Towers
Due to the complexities of the Santa Fe system, I am presenting their stations by state alphabetically.
Carlsbad was built in 1887. It was sold to the Chamber of Commerce and painted it white. It later was taken over as Convention and Visitors Bureau which changed the color to yellow.
Del Mar was later replaced with a new station. This one is now a private building.
The Redondo Tower served in the Los Angeles area.
Colorado Springs, CO, was classified as a Union Station. The train in the earlier photo belonged to the Colorado Midland.
Denver is Denver Union Terminal Co and was originally built in 1881. It burned in 1894 and was rebuilt. It was again rebuilt in 1914 and restored in the 2000s.
Rocky Ford was east of Pueblo.
Lomax was on the main line 14 miles east of Fort Madison, IA, and was the connection for Toledo Peoria & Western.
North Chillicothe was north of Peoria where the river crossed over the Illinois River. It was a regional office and burned in 1963. There was small hospital which became the station after the fire. I left there in 1965 when I moved to Texas.
Ormonde was halfway between Galesburg and Fort Madison, IA, on the main line.
Washington on the branch to Pekin, IL, from Streator. It was where the line crossed the TP&W and also an Alton branch.
Arkansas City is on the main line to Texas just before crossing into Oklahoma.
Atchison had a Union Station served by the Santa Fe, Burlington, and Missouri Pacific.
Augusta had AG Tower with a crossing from Frisco Wichita branch.
Burden is east of Winfield and is now on the South Kansas & Oklahoma.
Burlington was on the branch line from Ottawa to Gridley which is gone.
Cambridge is east of Burden and is now on the South Kansas & Oklahoma.
Carbondale is on the line between Topeka and Emporia.
Chanute was on the line from Ottawa to Independence and is now served by the South Kansas & Oklahoma.
Cherryvale was on the line to Tulsa from Ottawa and is now served by the South Kansas & Oklahoma.
Cimarron is on the line from Dodge City to Garden City.
Dodge City is the junction where the line to Colorado and Raton Pass separates from the line the the Texas panhandle.
Douglass is on the main line to Texas in southern Kansas.
On the main line in Kansas was a major terminal at Emporia.
In Kansas was a line south to Coffeyville. Near the south end was Thayer.
Newton is another station on the main line. It is an Amtrak station and rebuilt in 2008. It was built in 1929 in a Tudor Revival style.
Topeka, the second name in the corporate title, was served on a secondary line.
New Mexico
Albuquerque is the largest station in New Mexico and is on the Raton Pass route.
Belen is the place where all the lines come together.
Lamy is on the main line instead of a line thru Santa Fe due to mountains. It is also on the Santa Fe Southern Ry,
Raton is the gateway to the Raton Pass.
On the main line to the west coast is Alva.
The largest station between Oklahoma City and Texas is Ardmore.
Bartlesville had a Union Station which also served the Katy.
On the main line to Texas is Davis, OK. It is being restored as a museum.
Drumright was on a branch from Frey and abandoned. It is now a museum.
North of Enid on the line through Cherokee is Jet, OK.
The last station in Oklahoma was Marietta. The station is planned for restoration.
Pauls Valley is on the main line south of Oklahoma City. The station was fixed up by the local museum with their own style.
Stillwater is on a former branch line between Ripley and Ralston. It is now served by Stillwater Central RR.
Waynoka is on the main line.
Alvin is midway between Houston and Galveston. The mainline from Rosenberg connects here.
At Amarillo, the west coast line connected with the line from Texas to Colorado.
Brady was the branch line from Lometa and is now operated by the Gulf Colorado & San Saba RR.
Brownwood is on the main line from Houston north west.
Canadian is on the main line thru the Texas panhandle and is east of Amarillo.
South of Fort Worth was Cleburne. Here was located one of the large shops and a connection with the Trinity & Brazos Valley. Their station is at the left.
Cleveland was a combined station with Southern Pacific.
Comanche is on the former Frisco line from Fort Worth to San Angelo. It is now on the Fort Worth & Western.
Dumas is on the line north from Amarillo to Colorado and is the home town of the Ding Dong Daddy
In 1928, the Santa Fe took over the Kansas City Mexico & Orient. One of the few remaining segments runs from San Angelo, TX, to Laredo. The line was sold to the South Orient and was in danger of abandonment until it was acquired by the State of Texas and leased to Ferrocarril Mexicano. The largest station was at Fort Stockton and is now the Chamber of Commerce.
The freight house is several blocks away.
On the North Side of Fort Worth, TX, near the stockyards, was Tower 60. It served crossings on St Louis South-Western, Chicago Rock Island & Pacific, Fort Worth & Denver.
The large sign on the freight house in Fort Worth is being preserved.
Gainesville is the gateway to Texas on the main line just south of the Red River.
Galveston was originally built in 1887 with a four-story red brick Union Station with seven tracks. In 1915 there was an eight-story office added with a two-story connection. A second block of offices added creating a pair of twin towers and the terminus. The original brick building was torn down. In 1932 the art-deco project was faced with terra cotta and a tall central tower was added to match the original office buildings. The last scheduled passenger train left on April 11, 1967, but I rode in on a special on May 20, 1967. The building was purchased by the Moody Foundation in the early 1980s. The passenger waiting room was converted as a railroad museum and the tracks are used for the museum equipment.
Crossing the Texas panhandle we find Hereford.
North East of Dallas is Paris, TX. This was the end of the line and the point where the Frisco continued north. At one time there were thru trains thru this station.
Pecos was the southern end of a branch to Texico, NM, which was called the Pea Vine,
The KCM&O crossed a Santa Fe branch at San Angelo. Each line had its own station at one time.
A line south from Hereford to Temple crossed the Texas & Pacific at Sweetwater.
Montgomery was the county seat until they moved to Conroe.
Slaton was a division office.
Halfway to Houston is Temple. The station is now a museum.
Weatherford was on a branch from Cleburne and gave a connection to Texas & Pacific and abandoned in the 1950s. It was used in the 1960s as a museum for the Trinity Valley Railfans and later became the Chamber of Commerce.
Here is a photo of the Gilbert Pit Road Turntable bridge. (if that is what it is). This bridge is 5 miles south of I-20 on Gilbert Pit Road in south west Parker County, Texas. We would appreciate any help in identifying it
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echnology Co.
Memorial of Blessed Giuseppe Antonio Tovini
Choose Life.
Mom did.
We have received baptism, entrance into the Church, and the honor of being called Christians. Yet what good will this do us if we are Christians in name only and not in fact?
---St. Andrew Kim Taegon