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Don's Rail Photos
Chicago Burlington & Quincy
Rolling Stock
94 "Gen John A. Hulen" was built by Pullman as
Pullman "North Gate". It was rebuilt as CB&Q 673
and transferred as
201 "Silver Chef", diner, was built by Budd in 1956. It was sold as Amtrak 8054 "Silver Chef" and renumbered 8503. It was sold as Broadway Diner Train 8503 "Silver Chef" in 1994 and resold as Branson Scenic Ry 8503 "Silver Chef" in 1999.
342 "Silver Top" was built by Budd in 1937 FW&D 403 "Silver Top". It was rebuilt with dinette in 1940 and transferred as CB&Q 342 "Silver Top", snack bar/chair car in 1969.
461 "Silver Gladiola" was built by Budd in 1952.
465 "Silver Tulip" was built by Budd in September 1952.
487 "Silver Hollow" was built by Budd in June 1958.
525 was built by Budd in 1935. It was donated to Museum of Science & Industry in 1960.
909 "Silver Peak" was built by Budd in 1937
1604 "Silver Pouch" was built by Budd in October 1952. When Amtrak came and mail dropped, it became Burlington Northern 976101 in 1971 as service use. It was donated to Northeast Kansas Rail Museum and restored as CBQ 1504
1942, Class MB-22, was built by St Louis Car Co in November 1922. It was donated as National Museum of Transportation in March 1970.
4659 "Silver Bow" was built by Budd in 1937 as Fort Worth & Denver 401 "Silver Bow". It was transferred as CB&Q 4659 "Silver Bow" in 1969.
4725 "Silver Island" was built by Budd in 1947.
4735 "Silver Buckle" was built by Budd in 1956. It became Burlington Northern 4735 "Silver Buckle" in 1970 and sold to Amtrak as 9457. It was retired in 1981 and sold to John Caestecker as PPCX 800604 "Silver Splendor" in 1997.
49069 was a 50 foot plug door box car.
109854 was built by CB&Q in 1911 as box car. It was rebuilt by CB&Q in 1943 as Fort Worth & Denver caboose 95.
119282 was built by CB&Q in 1914 as box car. It was rebuilt by CB&Q in 1943 as FW&D caboose 92.
194872 was a composite hopper car.
204618. It became FW&D 618.
250283 was a bunk car. It was sold to a Lion's club near to Spokane, WA. It was then sold to a Rotary Club and then to Joe Kilmer.
Roster Information: Joe Kilmer
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You never go away from us, yet we have difficulty in returning to You. Come, Lord, stir us up and call us back. Kindle and seize us. Be our fire and our sweetness. Let us love. Let us run.
----St. Augustine