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Don's Rail Photos
Chicago Transit Authority
6201-6720 Series RT Cars
It was quickly decided that the surface PCCs, which were made surplus by the conversion to non rail transit, would not be acceptable for rapid transit service. In 1954, these cars began to be traded in to St. Louis Car for parting out to be used in the construction of cars similar to the first 6000s. Included were trucks, seats, windows, electrical equipment, etc. The last group were built in 1959. During this period, all of the older wooden cars were retired. These cars have all been retired with a substantial number in museum service..
6212 was built by St Louis Car Co in 1954, #1779.
6441 was built by St Louis Car Co in 1954, #1779. It was sold to Tandy Center for parts.
6442 was built by St Louis Car Co in 1954, #1779. It was sold to Tandy Center for parts.
6461 was built by St Louis Car Co in 1954, #1779. It was sent to Illinois Railway Museum in 1986.
6462 was built by St Louis Car Co in 1954, #1779. It was sent to IRM in 1986.
6655 was built by St Louis Car Co in 1958, #1792. It was named "George Rogers Clark" and sent to IRM in 1993.
6656 was built by St Louis Car Co in 1958, #1792. It was named "George Rogers Clark" and sent to IRM in 1993.
6677 was built by St Louis Car Co in 1958, #1792.
6679 was built by St Louis Car Co in1959, #1803.
6720 was built by St Louis Car Co in 1959, #1803.
WebWork by rinity
echnology Co.
Memorial of St. Gelasius of Armagh
Choose Life.
Mom did.
O God our Creator, from Your provident hand we have received our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship You, the only true God, and your Son, Jesus Christ.
Through the power and working of Your Holy Spirit, You call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel of every corner of society.