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Checks can be sent to: R. Donald Ross, 3821 Crater Lake Ct, Irving, TX 75062-4015
Don's Rail Photos
St. Louis-San Francisco
Electro-Motive SW7 Diesel Switchers
300, SW7, was built in December 1950, #10182, FN 4028-1. It became Burlington Northern 75, Class SW-7, in December 1980 and retired in October 1985. It was scrapped by Southwest Railroad Parts in October 1985.
301, SW7, was built in December 1950, #10183, FN 4028-2. It became BN 76, Class SW-7, in December 1980 and retired in October 1985. It was scrapped by Southwest Railroad Parts In October 1985.
302, SW7, was built in January 1951, #10184, FN 4028-3. It became BN 77, Class SW-7, in December 1980 and retired in February 1987. It was sold in March 1987 as Springfield Railway Service 77.
304, SW7, was built in January 1951, #10186, FN 4028-5. It became BN 79, Class SW-7, in December 1980 and traded in to Electro-Motive in July 1985.
WebWork by
echnology Co.
Feast of Presentation of the Lord
Memorial of Saint Bruno of Ebsdorf
Choose Life.
Mom did.
Without a doubt, obedience
is more meritorious than any other penance. And what greater penance can
there be than keeping one's will continually submissive and obedient?
---St. Catherine of Bologna