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Don's Rail Photos
Under Construction
Twin City Rapid Transit
Non Revenue Equipment
4, line car, was built by TCRT in May, 1905. It was scrapped in 1952.
10, flat motor, was built by TCRT in November 1904. It was scrapped in 1954.
11, flat motor, was built by TCRT in April 1905. It was scrapped in 1954.
15, flat motor, was built by TCRT in April 1905. It was rebuilt with an extended cab for track workers after 1911 and scrapped in 1954.
16, sand car, was built by TCRT in April 1905 as flat car. It was rebuilt with a sand box in January 1925 after a fire and scrapped in 1952.
17, flat motor, was built by TCRT in June 1907. It was scrapped in 1954.
18, sand car, was built by TCRT in June 1907 as a flat car. It was rebuilt with a sand box and scrapped in 1953.
19, flat motor, was built by TCRT in July 1907. It was scrapped in 1954.
20, locomotive was built by TCRT in July 1907. It was sold as Northern States Power Co 20 in 1954 and given to Minnesota Transportation Museum in 1968. It was dismantled for parts in 1970 since it was beyond economical restoration.
22, snow plow, was built by TCRT in February 1906. It was scrapped in 1953.
26, shifter, was built by LaClede Car Co as a cable car. It was rebuilt as a counterweight car in 1898 and rebuilt as 26 in 1907. It was scrapped in 1954.
27, shifter, was built by LaClede Car Co as a cable car. It was rebuilt as a counterweight car in 1898 and rebuilt as 27 in 1907. It was scrapped in 1952.
30, snow plow, was built at Snelling Shops in December 1908. It was scrapped in 1953.
31, snow plow, was built at Snelling Shops in December 1908. It was scrapped in 1953.
35, rail grinder, was built at Snelling Shops in November 1909. It was scrapped in 1944.
37, snow plow, was built at Snelling Shops in March 1910. It was scrapped in 1953.
38, snow plow, was built at Snelling Shops in March 1910. It was scrapped in 1953.
43, sand car, was built at Snelling Shops in November 1911. It was scrapped in 1954.
46, flat motor, was built at Snelling Shops in May 1912. It was scrapped in 1954.
50, crane car, was built at Snelling Shops in April 1913. It was scrapped in 1950.
51, flat motor, was built at Snelling Shop in March 1914. It was scrapped in 1954.
53, work motor, was built at Snelling Shop in March 1914. It was scrapped in 1954.
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Preserve the warmth of the family, because the warmth of the whole world cannot make up for it.
� St. Charbel Makhlouf
Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'