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Don's Rail Photos
Switzerland Trams
Rheintalische Strassenbahn
This line was open on April 6, 1897, and closed on June 2, 1973. Trolley service was begun on September 8, 1940, and closed on May 21, 1977.
2 was built by Machinenfabric Augusburg-Nurnburg--Alioth in 1897. It was totally rebuilt in 1915 and scrapped in 1956.
Talbahm Arth-Goldau
It is a standard gauge cog line 8.3 miles long opened with steam in 1873. It was electrified in 1907 and apparently it was separated between the cog and adhesion trackage. The cog service is still in service as Arth-Rigi-Bahn. The adhesion trackage, Talbahn Arth-Goldau, was closed in 1959.
TAG 1 was built by Mechaninfabrik-Augsburg-Nirnburg--Wuest & Partner in 1906. It was scrapped in 1966.
ARB 7 was built in 1925 and is used as an historic vehicle.
Basler Verkehr-Betriebe
209, Be4/8, was built by Schindler Waggen in 1978.
213 was built by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft in 1933. It was donated to Skjoldenaesholm Tram Museum in 1979.
214 was built by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft in 1933.
301, TB15, was built by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft in December 1930 as 201. It was rebuilt as 71 on May 10, 1931, and wrecked on October 15, 1933. It was rebuilt and wrecked on July 16, 1943. It was rebuilt as 301 on October 2, 1948. It had a short in September 1971 and retired on Octiber 27, 1972.
457 thru 476, Be4/4, were built by Schinderl Waggen in 1967 and 1968.
479, Be4/4, was built by Shindler Waggen in 1986.
610, GT6, was built by Duewag in 1967. It was sold as GSP Belgrade 610 in 2001.
2018, Xe2/2, shunting car, was built by Switzerland Wagon Schlieren as 156, Be2/2, in 1919. It was rebuilt in 1972 and retired on January 1, 2011. It was rebuilt as a historical car.
Baselland Transport
209, Be4/8, was built by Schindler Waggen in 1978.
217, Be4/8, was built by Schindler Waggen in 1978.
Regionalverkehr Bern-Solothurn
81, Be 4/10, Tram 2000, was built by Schindler Waggon Prattein/ Schweiezerische Industrie Gesellschaft/ABB in 1987.
88, Be 4/10, Tram 2000, was built by Schindler Waggon Prattein/ Schweiezerische Industrie Gesellschaft/ABB in 1987.
Stadtischen Verkehrsbetrieben Bern
37, Ce2/2, was built by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft--Machinenfabrik Oerliken. It is a heritage car.
129, Be4/4,"Swiss Standard Tram" was built by Schweizerische Wagons-und Autfzugefabrik Schlieren/Brown Boveri & Cia/Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon in 1961. It was renumbered 629 in 1986 and retired in 2003.
150, Ce4/4, was built by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft--Machinenfabrik Oerliken in 1936.
715, Be8/8, was built by SWS/BBC in 1973. It was rebuilt in 1986 as 15 and sold as Compania de Transport Public Iasi 15 in 2008.
734, Be4/8, was built by Vevey/ABB/Duewag in 1989.
Transports Publics Fribourgeois
Tramway de Fribourg
It was opened on July 28, 1897, and closed on March 31, 1965.
12 was built by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft in 1913. It was scrapped.
13 was built by SIG in 1913. It was scrapped.
Tramway du Sud-Ouest Lausannois
211, Be4/6, was built by Duewag-Ateliers de Constructions de Vevy in 1991.
Compagnie Genevoise des Tramways Electriques
Transports Publics Genevoise
823, Be4/6, "DAV", was built by Duwag-Ateliers de Vevey in 1987. It was rebuilt as 847 in 2009.
839, Be4/6. "DAV", was built by DuWag-Ateliers de Vevy in 1989. It was rebuilt as Be4/8 in 2005.
869 was built by Berna/ SWP/ SAAS, in 1959. It was retired in 1988.
Sernftalbahn Schwanden-Elm
13 was built by Mechaninfabrik-Augsburg-Nurnburg in 1905.
Société des Tramways Lausannois
Compagnie des Chemins de fer électriques régionaux du Jorat
Service began on September 1, 1896, and most tram lines were closed in 1962. The final closure was on January 6, 1964.
Tramways Lausannois
Transports publics de la région lausannoise
Trolleybuses were begun in 1932 and remain in service with newer equipment.
729 was built by Franz Brozincebic Wetzikon/Hess in 1981. 916 is a trailer.
Societa Pella Ferrovia Locarno-Pontebrolla-Bignasco
Ferrovie Autlinee Regionali Ticinesi
Societa Subalpina di Imprese Ferroviarie
12 was built by Carminati Toselli and Tecnomasio Italiano Brown Boveri in 1923.
2, Type BDe4/4, was built by Schweizerische Wagons-und Autfzugefabrik SchlierenAlioth in 1909. It was retired in 1968.
Chemin de fer Aigle-Ollon-Monthey-Champèry
102, Class BFZe2/4, was built by Rastatt-Alioth in 1907. It was Chemin de fer Aigle-Ollon-Monthey.
Transports publics Vevey-Montreux-Cillon-Villeneuve
3 was built by Berna in 1957. It was replaced in 1996.
5 was built by Berna in 1957. It was replaced in 1996.
Tramways de Neuchâtel
Transports Publics du Littoral Neuchâtelois
25 was built by Sauer/Hess with SAAS electrics in 1956. It was renumbered 125 in 1980 and later retired.
42 was built by Schweizerische Wagons-und Autfzugefabrik Schlieren in 1902.
44 was built by SWS in 1902. It is now at Musée des Transports Urbains, Interurbains et Ruraux
71 was built by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft in 1921.
81 was built by SIG in 1947.
503, Be4/4, was built by SWS in 1981.
1103 was built by Breda in 1942 as Azienda Mobilità e Trasporti 1103. It was sold as TN 1103 in 1967 and renumbered 593 in 1980. It was scrapped in 1987.
1104 was built by Breda in 1942 as AMT 1104. It was sold as TN 1104 in 1967 and renumbered 594 in 1980. It was scrapped in 1988.
Chemin de Fer Nyon--St-Cergue--Morez
203, Be4/4, was built by Atelier de Constructions Mecaniques de Vevy/BBC in 1985.
St. Gallen
This line was built in 1903 and operates 6.1 miles between from St. Gallen to Trogen. It is owned by Appenzellerbahn.
21, BDe 4/8, was built by Fahrzeugwerke Aletenheim (bodies), Schindler Waggon Pratteln (bogies), Zurich Oerlikon (electrics) in 1975.
22, BDe 4/8, was built by Fahrzeugwerke Aletenheim (bodies), Schindler Waggon Pratteln (bogies), Zurich Oerlikon (electrics) in 1975.
Verkehrsbetriebe der Stadt St. Gallen
120, 4TP, was built by Saurer in 1957. It was retired in 1991 and sold to Zarzad Transportu Miejskiego w Warszawie in 1992. It was renumbered and retired in 1995.
138, 4TP, was built by Saurer in 1950. It was rebuilt by Hess from one of the original cars and retired.
142, 4TP, was built by Saurer in 1950. It was rebuilt by Hess from one of the original cars and sold to Empresa de Transportes Collectivos Electricos Limitada as 142 in1 1992. It was used only a short time and became a sales office in 1995.
Schwyzer Strassenbahn
Schwyz was 2 kilometers from the Gotthard Ry and planned a steam tram in 1882 but never built until 1899 it was decided to have an electric tram. It was commissioned as Schwyz-Seewen AG in 1900. It was taken over as Schwyzer Strassenbahn in 1911 and opened to Schwyz-ibach in October 12, 1914. The entire line opened on May 8, 1915. In December 1961 they decided to switch to buses and they were scheduled to change on September 29, 1963. They didn't make it and the trams closed on December 14, 1963.
1 was built by Mechaninfabrik-Augsburg-Nurnburg and Brown, Boveri in 1914.
6 was built by Mechaninfabrik-Augsburg-Nurnburg and Brown, Boveri in 1914.
10 was built by Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon in April 1948.
11 was built by Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon in 1959. It was donated to Antananarivo, Madagascar in 2004 but apparently still awaiting construction.
14 was built by Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon in 1959. It was donated to Antananarivor in 2004 but apparently still awaiting construction.
Stadtische Strassenbahn Zurich
Verkehrsbetriebe der Stadt Zurich
Verkehrsbetriebe Zurich
926 was built by Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon in 1935. It is at the Blonay-Chamby museum.
1017 was built by Zurich-Oerlikon-Seebach in 1928, as 17. It was renumbered 1017 in 1947.
1019 was built by Zurich-Oerlikon-Seebach in 1928 as 19. It was renumbered 1019 in 1947 and acquired by Tram-Museum Zurich. It has regular service on line.
1026 was built by Zurich-Oerlikon-Seebach in 1928 as 26. It was renumbered 1026 in 1947.
1341, Class Elephant, was built in 1930.
1347, Class Elephant, was built in 1930.
1357, Class Standard Swiss Car, Type 1b, was built by Schweizerische Wagons-und Autfzugefabrik Schlieren/Schweizerische Locomotiv-& Maschinen-Fabrik in 1945.
1365, Class Standard Swiss Car, Type 1b, was built by SWS/SLM in 1945.
1379, Class Standard Swiss Car, Type 1b, was built by SWS/SLM in 1947.
1390, Class Standard Swiss Car, Type 1b, was built by SWS/SLM in 1950.
1396, Class Standard Swiss Car, Type 1b, was built by SWS/SLM in 1950.
1425, Class Karpfen, Type P16, was built by SWS in 1960. It was sold as Vinnytski Tramval 235 in 2007.
1426, Class Karpfen, Type P16, was built by SWS in 1960. It was sold as VT 247 in 2007.
1602, Class Mirage, Type Be6/4. was built by SWS in 1966. It was sold as VT 257 in 2007.
1605, Class Mirage, Type Be6/4. was built by SWS in 1966.
1608, Class Mirage, Type Be6/4. was built by SWS in 1966.
1609, Class Mirage, Type Be6/4, was built by SWS in August 1966.
1632, Class Mirage, Type Be6/4, was built by SWS in December 1966.
1677, Class Mirage, Type Be6/4, was built by SWS in September 1967.
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Mercy Sunday
Memorial of Saint Stanislaus of Cracow
Choose Life.
Mom did.
If you ate only one meal a week would you survive? It is the same for your soul. Nourish it with the Blessed Sacrament.
---St. Andre Bessette