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Don's Rail Photos
Wisconsin Central Ltd
Electro-Motive SD39-3 Diesels
2500 was built in October 1965, #30833, as Southern Ry 3024, as SD35. It was retired March 1986 and sold to Cycle Systems in March 1987. It was rebuilt and sold to Fox River Valley RR as 2500. It became WCLtd as 2500 and was rebuilt in 2000 as SD39-3. It was sold to National Railway Equipment Co as NREX 2500.
WebWork by rinity
echnology Co.
Memorial of Saint Osith
Choose Life.
Mom did.
Let us trust in Him who has placed this burden upon us. What we ourselves cannot bear let us bear with the help of Christ. For He is all-powerful, and He tells us: "My yoke is easy, and My burden light."
--St. Boniface