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Don's Rail Photos
New Zealand Trams
Canterbury Tramway Co.
7 was built by Kitson & Co in 1881, #28. It was retired in the 1920s but used on occasions. It was reconditioned in 1942 for possible wartime need and given to Christchurch Transport Board. It was given to Tramway Historical Society. It was restored in 1967 and sent to the Ferrymead Tramway. It got another major overhaul in 2007-8.
Christchurch Tramways Board
11 was built by J G Brill Co in 1903 as Dunedin City Corp 11, It was retired in 1955 and was in a farm. In 1967 was picked up and sent to the Ferrymead area for restoration. It was leased to Christchurch in 1995 and remained there for a long time.
115 was built by Boon & Co in 1908 as a palace trailer. It was rebuilt as a saloon trailer in 1913. It was retired in 1952 and found in fair shape in 1965. It was rebuilt in 1968 for hauling steam trams and refurbished in 1991 usually hauled by car 152.
152 was built by Boon & Co in 1910. It was retired about 1952 and acquired by the rebuilt group in 1969. It was restored in 1981 at Ferrymead and returned to city service later.
168 was built by Boon & Co.
178 was built by Boon & Co in 1922, It was retired in 1953 and acquired by the rebuilt group in 1967. It was restored between 1968 and 1970.
Dunedin City Council
It began service in 1881 and closed on March 2, 1957.
11 was built by J G Brill Co in 1903. It was retired in 1955 and was in a farm. In 1967 was picked up and sent to the Ferrymead area for restoration. It was leased to Christchurch in 1995 and remained there for a long time.
105 was built by Stansfield in 1903. It was donated to the Seashore Trolley Museum in 1957.
New Plymouth Corporation Tramways
New Plymouth introduced the first trams in 1916 and ran them until July 23, 1954.
7 was built by Brill Car in January 1921, #21189.
9 was built by Brill Car in January 1921, #21189.
Wellington Cable Car Ltd.
Wellington City Council Tramways
151 was built by WCCT in 1923. It was donated to Wellington Tramway Museum in 1961 and is in regular service.
207 was built by WCCT in 1929. It was donated to Wellington Tramway Museum in 1964 and is in regular service.
238 was built by WCCT in 1937. It was donated to Wellington Tramway Museum in 1964 and in storage for future restoration.
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Memorial of Our Lady of Soviore
Choose Life.
Mom did.
Love your chilcren. In them you can see Baby Jesus. Pray for them a lot and every day put them under Holy Mary's protection.
— St. Gianna Molla