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Don's Rail Photos
Under Construction
The Milwaukee Electric Ry. & Light Co.
The Milwaukee Electric Ry. & Transport Co.
Kenosha Motor Coach Lines
Milwaukee Rapid Transit & Speedrail Co.
Duplex Interurbans
In 1923 Cincinnati Car built 12 steel interurban combines for the Indianapolis & Cincinnati Traction Co. In 1928 they were replaced by Cincinnati curved side lightweight cars and became surplus. 4 were sold to the nearby Union Traction of Indiana and the remaining 8 were purchased by the TM in 1929. At Cold Spring Shops they were cut in two just in front of the rear trucks. A new section was built which included an articulated joint which lengthened the cars to 90 feet, seating a total of 84 passengers. The trains were given two numbers per unit. They remained virtually unchanged until they were replaced by the same lightweight cars in 1950 under Speedrail ownership.
1180-1181 was rebuilt from an I&C car in 1929 and scrapped in 1952.
1182-1183 was rebuilt from an I&C car in 1929 and scrapped in 1952.
1184-1185 was rebuilt from an I&C car in 1929 and scrapped in 1952.
1186-1187 was rebuilt from an I&C car in 1929 and scrapped in 1952.
1188-1189 was rebuilt from I&C 609 in 1929 and scrapped in 1952.
1190-1191 was rebuilt from an I&C car in 1929 and scrapped in 1952.
1192-1192 was rebuilt from an I&C car in 1929 and scrapped in 1952. It was badly damaged when it collided with Speedrail 39-40 on September 2, 1950.
1194-1195 was rebuilt from I&C 612 in 1929 and scrapped in 1952.
1196-1197 was built at Cold Spring in 1929. The second car was equipped with small dining facilities but it was shortly rebuilt with a baggage compartment at the rear end. It was stored at West Allis Station after a few years. In 1942 it was rebuilt with all coach and scrapped in 1952.
1198-1199 was built at Cold Spring in 1928. The second car was equipped with a full dining facilities but it was shortly rebuilt with a baggage compartment at the rear end. It was stored at West Allis Station after a few years. In 1942 it was rebuilt with all coach and scrapped in 1952.
WebWork by rinity
echnology Co.
Memorial of Blessed Enric Canadell Quintana, martyred by Spanish communists in 1936
Choose Life.
Mom did.
Reading the holy Scriptures confers two benefits. It trains the mind to understand them; it turns manbs attention from the follies of the world and leads him to the love of God . . . The more you devote yourself to the study of the sacred utterances, the richer will be your understanding of them, just as the more the soil is tilled, the richer the harvest.
--St. Isidore of Seville