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Checks can be sent to: R. Donald
Ross, 3821 Crater Lake Ct, Irving, TX 75062-4015
Don's Rail
Municipal Railway of San Francisco
Holman Cars
1 was built by Holman Car in 1912.
4 was built by Holman Car in 1912.
18 was built by Holman Car in 1912. It was scrapped on March 26, 1951.
19 was built by Holman Car in 1912.
36 was built by Holman Car in 1912.
38 was built by Holman Car in 1912.
WebWork by
Memorial of Saint Adalsindis of Hamay
Choose Life.
Mom did.
Don's Depot If we approach with faith, we too will see Jesus --- for the
Eucharistic table takes the place of the crib. Here the Body of the Lord
is present, wrapped not in swaddling clothes but in the rays of the Holy Spirit. ---St. John Chrysostom