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Checks can be sent to: R. Donald
Ross, 3821 Crater Lake Ct, Irving, TX 75062-4015
Don's Rail Photos
Under Construction ă Otwic
Kansas City Railways
Kansas City Public Service Co.
Non-revenue Equipment
22 was built by McGuire-Cummings.
068, rail grinder, was built by Brownell Car Co in 1900 as 472. It was rebuilt as 068, in 1932 and sold to Ohio Railway Museum in 1957. It has been stored inoperable.
0035 was built by Differential Steel Car Co. and was sold to the Rock Island Southern Ry. in 1947. It was never repainted or relettered.
WebWork by rinity
echnology Co.
Memorial of Blessed Eusebio Roldán Vielva, martyred by Spanish communists in 1936
Choose Life.
Mom did.
Don's Depot
He who labors as he prays lifts his heart to God with his hands.
---St. Benedict of Nursia