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Don's Rail Photos

Ottaway Locomotives


One of the builders of small locomotives used for amusement parks years was ago was Ottaway. In the May-June 1966 issue of Iron Men Album Magazine, which was loaned to us by the Illinois Prairie Railroad Foundary, we found two of these engines listed for sale. Both were 12 inch gauge, but otherwise they were quite different.

The first was offered by D. W. Weaver of Winston-Salem, NC. His ad reads as follows:

Ottaway Locomotive, tender, 4 cars, 400 feet track welded to steel ties- 12 inch gauge; 400 feet loose rail, all 12-lb. 4x8 bolt together station, 1/2 keg spikes, splice-bars, track bolts, spare grates and numerous other parts. In excellent operating condition, passes North Carolina Boiler Inspection at 160 psi., no leaks. With this equipment you can be in operation within a few hours of receipt. $3500. Will deliver free 600 miles. 25 cents/mile over 600.

The second was offered by Henry J. McMillan of Galva, Illinois. Henry operated a business as Atlantic-Pacific Steam Locomotive Works. Here is a photo of a 15 inch gauge locomotive which he used as a demonstrator. It is mounted on rollers on the trailer so that it can be run without track.

Henry's ad shows real salesman ship.

Well Fellows, you waited too long! If you didn't take car and buy this little gem last issue, it's almost too late. The new price is $3,750.00. Now, the season is just about here - so pay for it this summer with the business. I have subject to prior sale, a real collector's item. I believe in this case, one of a kind that was factory made. You don't run across anything like that very often - just about like a misprint on a U.S. postage stamp and you know what those are worth. Well, this little beauty is an Ottaway 12 inch train. The engine is a 4-4-2 and it looks like it was put under their larger boiler, frame, and firebox. It is the kind they used on the few 4-6-0 that they made. This has the extra steam dome, has been modified and a real good job. It has a brass yoke around smoke box door, brass flag holders, two steam domes, cat walk, brass hand rails on sides of boiler and ladder in front. It has ventilator in cab, hydraulic brakes, trailing truck under the tender, pops off at one hunder and twenty five pounds coded boiler. Is slick as a whistle! Oh yes, has a new whistle, tender has been changed to carry coal too and a real fancy job. This unit is stipp priced at one thousand dollars and it's worth it believe me. Also included are three factory made coaches and 800 feet of twelve pound rail. Everything is in excellent condition and all delivered east of the Rocky mountains free. Don't wait if you're looking for a colllector's item that will be worth more each year. Ask the people who own them.

And now, where did they go?


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May His name endure for ever,

His fame continue as long as the sun!

May men bless themselves by Him,

all nations call Him blessed!

--Psalm 72:17