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Don's Rail Photos
Japanese National Railways
Nippon Kokuyo Tetsudo
Historical and Older Steam Locomotives
It all started with "Ichigo" which was built by Vulcan Foundry in 1871.
1 "Ichigo" was built by Vulcan Foundry in 1871, #614 It was sold to
2 "Benkei" was built by Porter in 1880, #369. It served as a prototype for a well known Ken Kidder model.
110 was built by Yorkshire Engine Co in 1871.
233 was built by Kisha Seizo in 1903, #11.
1292 was built by Manning Wardle in 1873, #815.
2173, Class 2120. 268 were built between 1898 and 1905 by various manufacturers..
2221 was built by North British Locomotive Co in 1905
2335 was built by North British Locomotive Co in 1905.
2412 was built by Hanomag in 1904, #4151.
9856, 0-6-6-0, was built by Henschel & Sohn in 1912. It is at the National Railway Museum at Tokyo.
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Memorial of Saint Felix of Sutri
Choose Life.
Mom did.
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary, To one without faith, no explanation is possible.
---St. Thomas Aquinas