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Don's Rail Photos

Under Construction

Chicago & North Western

Alco S1 and S3 Diesel Switchers

1218, S1, was built in June 1948, #75892, as Chicago Great Western 13, Class D-2. It later became C&NW 13 in 1968 and was renumbered 1218 on April 15, 1970. It was again renumbered 621 in July 1971. In 1972 it was retired and rebuilt into slug BU-12 on December 3, 1973. It was retired on May 1, 1979, and scrapped at Cedar Lake Shops.

1219, S1, was built in July 1948, #75893, as CGW 14, Class D-2. It became C&NW 14 in 1968 and was renumbered 1219 on April 15, 1970, and was again renumbered 622 in July 1971. It was retired on February 6, 1974, due to freeze damage, and was scrapped at Butler.

1220, S1, was built in August 1948, #75894, as CGW 15, Class D-2. It became C&NW 15 in 1968 and was renumbered 1220 on April 15, 1970, and was again renumbered 623 in July 1971. It was retired in May 1972 and rebuilt as slug BU-13 on December 6, 1973. It was retired again on May 1, 1979, and scrapped at Cedar Lake Shops.

1223, S1, was built in July 1944, #70048.  It was retired on May 28, 1975, and disposition is unknown.

1248, S1, was built in June 1946, #73905.  It was traded in to Electro-Motive in January 1969.

1256, S1, was built in April 1948, #75886.  It was traded in to Electro-Motive in February 1967.

1258, S1, was built in May 1948, #75888.  It was traded in to Electro-Motive in February 1967.

1264, S3, was built in June 1951, #78781.  It was retired on October 1, 1974.  Disposition is unknown.

1266, S3, was built in August 1951, #78783. It was rebuilt as yard slug BU-10 and completed on December 6, 1973. It was retired on May 1, 1980, and scrapped.


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Love your children.  In them you can see Baby Jesus.  Pray for them a lot and every day put them under Holy Mary's protection.

--- St. Gianna Molla