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Don's Rail Photos
Great Northern
2550, Class S-1, was built by Baldwin in April 1929, #60781. It was retired in December 1957 and scrapped in 1963.
2553, Class S-1, was built by Baldwin in May 1929, #60808. It was sold for scrap to Paper Calmenson & Co on April 19, 1956.
2575, Class S-2, was built by Baldwin in February 1930, #61211. It was sold for scrap to Duluth Iron & Metal on August 25, 1955.
2579, Class S-2, was built by Baldwin in February 1930, #61215. It was retired in December 1957 and scrapped in 1963.
When I was about 4 years old, my Dad got involved in organizing the International Union of Life Insurance Agents. One of his fellow organizers was a man named Bill Harper. The Harpers had a son my age as well as a daughter my sister's age. A close friendship developed. Jimmy and I played together regularly and went from TootsieToys to Lionel Trains to scale model trains to photographing trains. In 1946 we both got cameras. I had a 116 box camera and he had a 130 folding camera. In August, Jim and another friend went to the Twin Cities while I went to northern Wisconsin with my family. One of the pictures that Jim took with that old 130 camera was this shot of Great Northern 2580 leaving town. The 2580 was Class S-2 and was built by Baldwin in February 1930, #61216. It was retired in April 1958 and scrapped in 1963.
2582, Class S-2, was built by Baldwin in February 1930, #61225. It was sold for scrap to Paper Calmenson on August 25, 1955.
2584, Class S-2, was built by Baldwin in March 1930, #61238. It was retired in December 1957 and placed on display at Havre, MT, on May 15, 1964.
WebWork by rinity
Memorial of St. Ampelius of Messina
Choose Life.
Mom did.
Don's Depot The life of the body is the soul; the life of the soul is God. ---St. Anthony of Padua